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To restore hope and purpose to Greenville SC communities, through Christian faith with Romans 6 and 4 Ministries. We believe action speaks louder than words. We are dedicated to the well-being of families and their restoration within our communities. We seek to ensure that every person becomes a productive citizen, enabling them to be their best selves and stand on their own two feet. We will bring awareness of the physical, psychological, social, and economic impacts on the community due to homelessness, substance addiction, prostitution, domestic violence, and human trafficking, while providing meaningful solutions to those impacted. We will provide opportunities through facilitating temporary housing; creating solid partnerships with various agencies including businesses, physical and mental health services, financial services and State and Federal services. We will help meet basic needs such as food, clothing, and hygiene.
Romans 6 and 4 Ministries:
We believe that The Holy Scriptures are the true, inspired and inerrant word of God.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the embodiment of God Almighty. We believe that Jesus Christ is the door, the only way. We believe that all must repent and be Baptized in His Name. We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance. We believe that holiness is a must, for God said, " Be ye holy for I am holy". We believe that the fruit of the Spirit are signs of true followers of Jesus Christ. We believe that Ephesians 4:11 still holds true today .
We will advocate for the underserved, by effecting positive outcomes while rebuilding lives with a sense of purpose. Being a representative of Jesus Christ through serving our community, we will feed, train, teach, strengthen, and comfort. We aim to promote change within the individual. We are the feet on the street, changing one heart at a time, changing the minds and lives of those we serve.
To feed
To train
To teach
To strengthen
To comfort
To bring change to in and through the individuals. In every city state and nation by way of Jesus Christ. Beginning with one heart change at a time. Changing of the mind and life walking in newness of life.
Romans 6:4 Ministries
Zelle Romans 6 and 4 Ministries CASH APP $romans6N4ministries