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24 JUN 2022
MATT 14:28-31
Just as Jesus pulled Peter out of the sinking position, Jesus will pull you out of whatever sin, wrong or predicament you are in.
He is Almight God, the Great Physician, Saviour, Lamb of God, Deliverer and more. All you have to do is like Peter, scream out 'Lord, save me'!! Then reach up in surrender and reach out in expectation. Repent and I mean true repentance. Jesus will pull you out.
Liar? Cheat? Thief? Pornography? Addiction of any and all kinds? Homosexuality? Lesbianism? Trans world? Mental illness? Prostitution? Dope dealing? No matter what it is. Jesus can and will pull you out.
13 May 2022
USE IT OR LOSE IT! Matthew 25:14-30
What God has given you, use it or lose it. Use it for His glory and He will grow and expand it. If you don't use it, He will take it and give it to another.
If you use it for your own gain, fame and glory; what will it profit you to gain the praise and recognition of the world or those around you and your soul be lost? That is Mark 8:36.
Who takes the light of God and keeps it hidden so no one sees God's glory? Matt.5:15
This means whatever and all God gives or has given you, use it for His glory and not your own. God will exalt you in due time.
In all you do, glorify God. in all manner of conversation, glorify God. In all that you listen to, watch and see- glorify God. In what you sing, write, draw and think. Glorify God.
Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge Him...Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the very thoughts of my mind be pleasing in your sight Oh LORD, my strength and my redeemer!
What God has given you, "USE IT OR LOSE IT!"
07 MAY 2022
Are you living by scripture or by tradition? Churches, are your bylaws, doctrines, creeds, statements of faith. Are they by the scripture of God or by the tradition of man? Do you teach the scripture of God mixed with the tradition of man.
Scripture is set by God, has no additions nor does it have any subtractions. Scripture, just as God, changes not.
Tradition, on the other hand, is of man and often a tool of the devil. Tradition is an add on or a subtraction. Will add to and subtract from the true.
Rev.22:18-19 reads; For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add to these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in this book.
Jesus asks in Matt. 15:3, why do you also transgress the commandments of God by your traditions?
Scripture keeps the attention on a Holy God, tradition brings and gives attention to fallen man and his desires.
1 Tim 4:1-2 reads- now the Spirit speaks expressly that, in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.
Try your doctrines, creeds, bylaws, statements of faith and your leaders by the Holy Scripture, if they fail or are not found there, if it is an addition or a subtraction, then it is tradition. Don't allow tradition to cause you to sin against God. We know that sin separates from God and that the wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23.
Follow and live by the Holy scripture given of God.
09 AUG 2021
Matt 22:1-14 focus vs 12
Good and bad were invited. The king sent servents into the streets. Whosoever will come. These were not expecting to be invited anywhere so, they were not "clothed" with the proper garments. The king knew this when he invited them, so the king provided the garments for all the new guests as a gift. All that was required was that they "come", "accept and receive" the free gift and "put on" the new garment or "change" into it.
vs12-There was one who did not "put on" the garment given. This one came, accepted and received both the invitation and the free gift. This one came as he was, but, refused to change and put on the the garment given.
The king felt insulted because the best sacrifice was made and prepared. He felt insulted because he also gave a free gift, which you accepted but refused to change. Therefore the guest was bound head and foot and cast out into torment.
Is this guest you, when it comes to Jesus ?You have accepted the invitation, you received the gift but, you refuse to change. You refuse to put on Jesus and He is Insulted!
14 JULY 2021
PRAY-ers and PREY-ers
You can not let just any and everyone pray for you. You can not automatically accept the prayers of someone based on their title ,relationship to/with you nor because of their status. You can not let someone living in sin against God, pray for you. The devil may have them PREYING on you, not PRAYING for you.
It is God and God alone who HAS determined what sin is. Not any angel, demon ,religion, human, nor beast.
The Word says in James 5:16 (ending),the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. No where is it written, "the prayers of the unrighteous nor the self-righteous".
There are PRAYers and there are PREYers.
If you allow, promote ,accept or become a participant with/in the prayers of anyone or anything other than those of the righteous ,you will bring a curse ,sickness and damnation upon yourself.
Stand for right. Stand for righteousness. Stand for holiness.
01 June 2021
I will not? I will not ask you what WILL you give up for Jesus Christ and true salvation in Him. What I will ask you is , what will you NOT give up for Jesus Christ and salvation in Him?
So, what will you NOT give up? Lying? Deception? Stealing? Smoking? Drinking? Drugs? Adultery? Fornication? Shacking? Same Sex Relationships? Unholy living? Dirty Money? Position? Pride? Arrogance? Pornography? Molestation? Manipulation? The Past? Past Hurts? Past Wrongs?
Pastors, Preachers, Teachers, Layman ,Saved,Unsaved. What will you NOT give up? What sin or unholy thing, Deed, Act, Thought etc are you holding on to.?
What thing or things are you willing to let cause a separation between you and God?
14 Apr 2021
Let me give you thought. Are you "Christian", "A Christian" or " A Born Again Christian"? Think on this and there will be a video soon.
15 Mar 2021
I had an uncle. I loved all of my uncles, but this particular uncle was, well, somewhat my favorite. He was an alcoholic since I can remember and possibly before I was even born.
He was a navy veteran and the military did not treat blacks as equals nor fairly during WWll. I never knew he was married until one day he told me that I was standing on his wife's grave.Wow, we never know all that people have been through nor their fights.
I went to visit him one day. It was about a two hour drive. He said to me, " Peewee, everybody calls me a alcholic!" I asked," Why is that, uncle ----?" He replied, "Well I don't know. There are only two times I drank." I asked," Well when is that, uncle -----?" His reply was," When I'm alone and when I'm with somebody."
This may sound comical I know,but, the spirit of God spoke with me when I thought about uncle --- and this conversation so many years ago.
This is how I want to be when it comes to prayer, praising God, giving God thanks and telling of His goodness, hope, salvation and more. There are only two times I want to do this. WHEN I'M ALONE AND WHEN I'M WITH SOMEBODY!
17 JAN 2021
For as long as I can remember and much longer before I was born. SOUP seems to have been a remedy for everything. There is no doubt that it will always be. SOUP was, is and always will be good for you.
When someone either gives you SOUP or you give it to someone, it is always said," Enjoy! It is good for you.
SOUP is special. It saves, heals and it delivers. God, He just loves SOUP. Soup is not expensive nor is it difficult to prepare. In sickness and in health. During the ups and the downs. SOUP is the panacea, the cure all for whatever ails you.
S.O.U.P! Send On Up Praise!
30 DEC 2020
If you are a true child of God, don't be discouraged when it seems as if your prayers are going unanswered.
I say, "a TRUE child of God" because, we are not all His children, but, we are all His creation.
John 1:12 To all who receive him, He gave the right to become children of God, that is, those who have faith in His name. That name is Jesus.
One does not become His child without repentance ( Godly sorrow for one's sins and TURNING away from those sins) and acceptance (accepting Jesus as both Lord and saviour) and believing(that Jesus is the son of GodJand that He died for sins and rose again).
You must take this step and live for Him while, allowing Him to live in and through you. Without this, you are simply His creation.
If you are his child repent often and pray according to His will and He will answer in a mmannerthat is best for you. DON'T STOP PRAYING!
22 DEC 2020
It is said that God first gave Himself in the form of His son Jesus, on the cross. Remember that he first gave Himself by being born of a virgin.
This is the gift He gave to us, we now call this day Christmas.
When the wise men came with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. They gave them not to family and friends but, to Jesus.
There was no decorating of trees after the ways and customs of the heathen nations (Jeremiah 10). We must stop diminishing the glory of God by glorifying these tangible worldly gifts to others. Instead, give the gift of the gospel if Jesus Christ and His salvation, deliverance, joy, peace and eternal life.
God gave himself to and for you. What will you give Him? He gave His life completely. Will you give yours completely to Him today?
16 DEC 2020
30 Seconds
II Kings 20 begins with King Hezekiah being sick. He was sick to the point of death. There was nothing that any doctor could do.
The prophet Isaiah(son of Amos), came to king Hezekiah with a message from the LORD. The message was, 'Get your house in order, you WILL die and NOT live.'
My question to you is, 'If the LORD told you that you are now in the last 30 seconds of your life, what would you do? How will you spend it? How are you living it?'
01 DEC 2020
Will you be ready when Jesus comes?
It is said that church attendance is down because of the corona virus, covid-19. Church doors have been closed. Sickness, death, fear, violence and chaos have ensued.
People are in fear of going into the world as in the Great Commission. People are saying that it can't be done because of the virus. If it was not for this virus! If it were not for this virus, I would go to the hospitals, I would go to the streets and I would go to church.
God asks a question are two...
Before I allowed covid 19 to be among you, before I allowed this virus, what was your excuse? Why did you not go often into the world as I commanded? Why were the doors of my worship places closed? To the non-believer and the pretender, why did you not attend before and call on my name?
Everyone of you, why have you taken My mercy, love, blood, tears, pain, suffering and resurrection for granted? Why do you still?
REPENT before I move the light from you and withdraw my mercy. Will YOU be ready when I return?
I say, even so come Lord Jesus!
As I read and research Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving is recognized in various countries on different dates. It always speaks of harvest and giving of thanks to religious entities.
Thanksgiving is a time when families, friends,
and people's come together to eat, laugh, get dressed up, watch sports, movies and such. In many arenas evil will insert itself with alcohol, drugs, anger and such.
Let us make this Thanksgiving different. Let us start a new tradition to pass on. One of holiness. One of prayer and forgiveness. One that is all holy and acceptable before the eyes of God. No alcohol, no drugs, no fighting, no cussing, no willful or planned sinning.
Let us choose this day to give or revive ourlives, minds and bodies to God. Let us choose to give God thanks for another chance to truly repent. Let us choose to make things right with God and with others.
To day let our voices sing and scream praises to the Lord on high! Praises of thanksgiving for life, hope, deliverance and salvation. Give thanks to Jesus for His life, blood, sacrifice, death and His resurrection. Choose this day to make everyday a day to give thanks unto the Lord.
03 OCT 2020
Hebrews 9:27 reads: "And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after then, the judgement."
We were created by God, even before we were born. We are born, we live and then we die.
How do we live? how are we living? are we living as if this life is all there is? We go about our daily tasks. We work and we play. We have friends, enemies and family.
Be not deceived. There are two lives to live. The first life is lived here on earth. The second life is after death and is called the afterlife. There is the joy and bliss of heaven and there is the everlasting torment of hell.
The time will come when we will be called from death to rise and come forth to stand before God. The question is, " how will you rise?" Will you rise in righteousness or in unrighteousness? If in righteousness, then heaven will be your home. If in unrighteousness, then hell will be your address.
Heaven can be. Hell doesn't have to be. Make your choice. Repent and be saved, then you will rise in righteousness, in joy that can not be described. Continue in sin and you will rise in unrighteousness to the torments of hell.
Choose or re-choose today!
11 NOV 2020
For this Word and Thought you will need pen and paper. You must also be willing to be honest with God and with yourself.
In the book of Genesis 22, we read that Abraham was willing to sacrifice/ give up his son of promise, because God told him to.
In the book of Hosea we read of the Prophet Hosea being told by God to marry a promiscuous woman (NIV), a harlot (NASB), a whore ( KJV). Not only was he to marry her, but to love her and stick with her. Giving up/ sacrificing his dignity, reputation and more.
In the New Covenant (Testament), Stephen, Paul, Peter and others throughout history sacrificed/ gave up their lives and more for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Question 1 (remember to be honest with God and with yourself). What are you willing to sacrifice/ give up for God? ( take a few minutes to write the question and your answer before reading question 2.
Now that you have been honest with God and with yourself.. Question 2) What are you NOT willing to sacrifice/ give up for God? Ah, a tough one. proceed when you have been honest with God and with yourself.
In Acts 5, we read of Ananias and Sapphira who sold a possession and were deceitful concerning the price and held back a portion of the proceeds. Question 3) What, where or how are you holding back from God?
It is my prayer that we will perform this exercise regularly and see how the Holy Ghost will change, strengthen, keep us aware and bring us closer to our Lord.
04 NOV 2020
There are nights I can't sleep, I can't lie. There are nights that tears run from my eyes. There are times that I just can't seem to pray, no matter how long on my knees I stay. But God being true to His word and what He says- there comes grumblings and utterances from deep within me, the voice and language of the Holy Ghost- His Holy Spirit prays for me, through me, in me and out of me. He knows what I don't. He knows when I don't know what to pray for and what words to use. He can when I can't. When my will is weak, His will is strong. When I am powerless, He is almighty. When I have nothing left, He has all and is all. When I don't understand, He does. When I am empty, He fills me up. When I am full, He overflows. When I fall, He stands tall, lifting me in the palms of His hands and cradles me in His bosom. So I keep my knees bent and my hands to the sky. I keep my knees bent and my voice of praise lifted high. David wrote, I will look unto the hills from whence come my help, my help comes from the LORD. At your lowest, God says, I will never leave you nor forsake you. When you are the loneliest He says, I am here. In sickness, pain, trials and tribulations, persecutions and chaos. When you are lost and have lost your way, He says, Lo, look I am here! Believe me and believe in me. Trust me and trust in me. Call on me out of a pure or true heart. I will answer. There is a song 'He was there all the time. Waiting patiently in line, Jesus was there all the time!' Make Him wait no longer. Don't let it be said to late, to late! Place Him first. Seek ye first the kingdom of God.
26OCT 2020
Don't be tricked by the trunk!
The halloween tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. Pope Gregory III designated this same day as All Saints Day in which they would have vigils and light candles for the dead ( which in itself is evil and not of God).
Witchcraft, sorcery, seances, fortune tellers, palm readers, divination, spell casting, mediums, root workers etc. The Bible speaks against all these things.
Saul died because of his unfaithfulness to God, for not obeying the Word of the Lord and for asking a medium to request information from a dead person. I Chronicles 10:13. II Chronicles 33 tells of Manasseh and how he was punished for consulting fortune tellers, casting evil spells, witchcraft, mediums and psychics.
Don't be tricked by the trunk! Don't be softened by a name change. Churches and church folk have taken down by their participation in these pagan activities. Trick or treat, trunk or treat, fall festival. Selling pumpkins and promoting sin. Giving the devil a hand in harvesting souls. The battle for the mind is the battle for the soul. When you know better, do better. Correct what is wrong, now. Be humble and repent, now. Who's side are you TRULY on? I am on the Lords' side. As for me and my house, we are going to serve the Lord! Choose this day who you will serve. Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived, God is not mocked, what you so, you will reap. "It is all in fun and it is for the kids". Ya, don't be tricked by the trunk! Don't give the devil more ammo for his gun. Amos 5:21 I hate , despise your feast days and I can not stand the stench of your assemblies. Isaiah 1:14 I hate your new moons and prescribed festivals, I abhor them. They have become a burden to me and I am TIRED OF PUTTING UP WITH THEM! Don't be tricked by the trunk!
12 Oct 2020
Where is your heart?
In Genesis 4 the Spirit of God tells us of Cain and Abel. From this passage I ask the question, " where is your heart when you give to God?"
Are you giving out of love, praise and worship? Or are you giving for showmanship, in hope of gain or out of a feeling of obligation?
Where is your heart? Where is your heart when you give to God? Are you giving your best and the first? Or are you giving less than your best, the tainted and some of the rest?
Abel's giving was accepted because he gave his first and his best. Abel gave out of love,worship and praise. Caine's gift was rejected because he gave not his best, first nor out of love, worship and praise. Cain gave grudgingly and out of obligation.
Where is your heart? When you give of your monies? Are you giving as if you gained it on your own? When you give of your time? Are you only giving one day a week for about two hours or less? Are you giving your life and soul? Are you truly saved? Where, my friend, is your heart?
25 Sept 2020
Today we hear many people speaking of having faith "we hear that we must have faith", just "have faith: I have faiths etc
The question is What or who is your faith in? Is it in man? Failure! is it in someone? Failure! Yourself? Failure!
Is your faith in Governments,Leaders or Such? All Failure!
Is your faith in soothsayers, palm readers,fortune tellers, tarot cards,necromancers, the dead,angels,secret society? All and any so-called "Faith" in anything or anyone other then God. The God of the Holy Bible is evil and will result in failure.
We must have faith in God alone. Everyone does not have can not have and will not have this faith.
in order to have this faith in the one true God,you must repent,praise and worship him in Truth and in Holiness, Then you can have will have and do have faith in God.
Without his spirit (The Holy Spirit) resting ruling and abiding within you, Your faith can not be , will not be and is not truly in him (God) That faith is vain and in vein.
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If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
Jesus loves you even when we don't deserve it.
Romans 6:4 Ministries
Romans 6 and 4 Ministries Feet On The Street Saturday. People got saved. God is able.
Did you forget what Jesus Done for you?
Romans 6:4 Ministries
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